SCP-service control point,
SSP-Service switching point,
IP-Intelligent peripheral,
PRM-premium rate service,
ACCS-account card calling service,
VCC-Virtual card calling,
UAN-universal access number,
CIN-change in number,
VPN-Virtual private network service,
GSM-Global system of mobile,
HLR-Home location register,
VLR-Visitor location register,
CCS-Common cell signal,
OSS-Operation support system,
WLL-Wireless local loop,
CDMA-Code division multiple access,
SDH-Synchronous digital hierarchy,
DWDM-dense waveleangth division multiplexing,
GPRS-General pocket radio service,
MMS-Multi media service,
STM-Synchronous transport modules,
TAX – Trunk automatic exchange,
CDMA-Code division multiple access,
SDH-Synchronous digital hierarchy,
DWDM-dense waveleangth division multiplexing,
GPRS-General pocket radio service,
MMS-Multi media service,
STM-Synchronous transport modules,
TAX – Trunk automatic exchange,
ADM-Add Drop Mux,
OCB-Organ Control Base,
SDH-Synchronous Digital Hierarchy,
STM-Synchonous Transport Module,
TM-Terminal Mux,
OFC-Optical Fiber Cable,
DP-Distribution Point.
can you be more specific?
ReplyDeletewhat you have need to know more specific.. tell me.. i definitely described here...